Tuesday, June 09, 2009


so, last week started with my primary cover cracked and it bleeds oil... it kinda jolted the bike when i was in the third gear, just as i throttle after a stop light.. thank god the traffic was kind enough on early sunday morning, otherwise, i could be hitted from the rear on an average Jakarta weekdays...
thank god the primary chain or the clutch hub was'nt the problem... fyyuuuhhh...!!
one of the retaining bolt from the chain tension adjuster got loose and got stuck between the clutch hub and the primary cover...
there's the inside view of the damage.. the loose bolt and the retainer ring..
well, as all of my riding buddies said that day: "Bor, i guess its that time...."


"Daddyfrisco" Ray said...

dry it up bor....dry it up!

rizky mandra said...

hwahaha... runnin on dry clutch..?? next in order bor... hopefully after my new primary cover is bolted and running without trouble...