Wednesday, October 29, 2008

aren't we all...??

photo taken by Dipta


Veroland said...

not with her....hahaha!

Ade Putri Paramadita said...

Ahahahaha! You, cruel you!

Unknown said...

what a nice boy.... must feel good doing charity once in a while... & she's is telling the whole world about it !!!

maybe she has a hottie best freind he is targetting =]

Veroland said...

Sorry...I'm not really into "shortened".....Choppers with long fork are the real deal!
besides, if I want a shortened, no rake no stretch kinda thang..I don't use Upside down! hehehehe

Veroland said...

Hahahahaha! Hi five to you D.C!

Anonymous said...

yes bor... needs a whole lot strechin and trimmin huh...?? to many cushion for the pushin...!! hwehehehehehe....